Soon, if not already, all the facebook grandmas will transition into a cynical "nothing matters, the world sucks anyways" online mentality, and then if they are still around after that they will hit that early midlife mentality where they understand the shitty parts of the net and can laugh at things that first they bought into and then rebelled against. Sooo many "old" people are logged on now and while they might be 50+ year olds with 50+ problems, mentally online they have the Internet Ego (Igo) of a 15 year old. I think that is a large part to why the internet is so shitty and manipulatable right now. That shit still exists out there somewhere. This GIF by A24 has everything: marker, sniffing, BO BURNHAM Share Advanced. My room mate broke up with a girl who stalked him and wrote goth poetry on her Geocities page, we would log in and do long form reviews of it (drunk).

My shit days are out there on the net somewhere. They have to act the child, then act the teenage, then get put in their place, then maybe they grow up enough and learn to be decent internet citizens. When you first get that heavily connected to people you are a dumbass and an egomaniac. I remember the growing pains and the process of "maturing online" not saying I was maturing while online, but that side of your ego has too, be it 15, 25, or 55. Then Geocities came along and vBoards after that. I used to log into BBS servers and post about games (mostly Myst). In A24 Hour News, Dallas speaks with Eighth Grade writer/director, Bo Burnham on the red carpet of the Scottish premiere. So, there is this datamosh video, of a man, that is going to hold his girlfriend hands, but then the effect makes him wake up and he is a soldier in.

We got internet at the house when I was 16.